Quality Representation For Modifications And Enforcement Actions
Sometimes, it is necessary to modify prior rulings of the court, especially for child support and custody/visitation. In these situations, you need an experienced attorney to determine that a modification is appropriate and that it meets your changing needs. Please contact me to schedule an initial consultation to discuss your situation.
From my office in San Antonio, I’ve helped clients across Texas work through court order modifications regarding:
- Child custody: Child custody modification is often pursued in order to change primary parent designation or modify visitation rights. Situations when child custody might be modified include a parent who moves to another state or becomes involved in another relationship that could be harmful to the child. Child custody modification is not always the result of a bad situation, but it is still wise to enlist the assistance of an experienced attorney.
- Child support: Child support modification almost always takes place following a change in income for either parent. For example, if the paying parties’ income substantially increases, then the receiving party should seek to increase the child support.
How I Can Help With Enforcement Actions
Occasionally, an individual will decide that he or she is not going to follow court rulings in a custody or support case. Common violations include:
- Withholding the child or interfering with the other parent’s time – for example, consistently being late to drop a child off after your time with the child is up
- Failure to pay child support or medical bills as required.
Sometimes, in the course of a divorce trial, the court may order one party to sell a piece of property and split the proceeds. If a former spouse refuses to sell property that he or she has been ordered to, you have the right to enforce the decree.
If you are seeking to enforce custody and support rulings, you need the insight of an experienced family law lawyer. Call me at 210-775-1140 for an initial consultation or contact me.
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